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How Does Our Diet Affect Our Skin?


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Our body gets most of what we need through food. Our skin is also a very important part of our body. It is also the biggest part. When it comes to physical health and good nutrition our skin is not the first thing that comes to our mind, our diet is actually the most important part for our skin health. Lets take a look.

Care for perfect skin,

Before spending all your money on expensive skin care and creams first you should take a look at your eating habits.

So how should we eat for perfect skin? Which foods are good for our skin?” Let’s answer these questions together. For our skin to look healthy we need to eat a balanced and regular diet. Every nutrient is important for our skin, but some have benefits and effect more than others. If you want younger, healthier and brighter skin you should include more green vegetables and fruits in your diet. In addition, you must limit carbohydrates. You should also stay away from food that contains access oil. Fast food and packaged foods cause many problems on your skin, especially acne. If possible, you should not consume these products at all. Also muts are beneficial but when over done it can also cause skin problems due to the high level of fats that is found in nuts. We should eat only one handful of nuts a day. Vitamins are good for our skin in general.


Some vitamins are better than others when it comes to our skin health. For example, vitamins C and E are great for our skin. Even in skin care, creams, serums and oils containing vitamins C and E are recommended. We all eat foods rich in vitamin C. These are citric fruits. What about vitamin E?

Which foods are rich? Come check it out…


Olive oil is rich in vitamin E. Likewise, sunflower oil contains plenty of vitamin E. Shelled

Nuts so that you can get vitamin E

It is one of the best resources. Also all foods containing seeds and grains are the best sources of vitamin E.

Collagen Supplement,

In many previous articles, we wrote about collagen because it is an important factor in terms of beauty and health. Collagen supplements helps maintain youth and vitality. Taking collagen will help from the inside out. Adding collagen to your body this helps with youth and skin care. High amount of collagen can be found in bone marrow. Also beef, chicken and turkey meat are the other foods with the highest collagen level after bone marrow.

High amount of collagen can also be found in fish, especially salmon

Consuming salmon once a week is very beneficial for your skin.