Facial Cleansing Gel for The Foundation of Healthy Skin

Facial cleansing gel is a product you use to cleanse your skin of daily dirt, oil and make-up. However, the same facial cleansing gel is not suitable for every skin type. A facial cleansing gel that is not suitable for your skin type may cause problems such as dryness, irritation, redness or acne on your skin. So how do you find a facial cleansing gel suitable for your skin type? Here are some tips to help you with this


What is facial cleansing gel?

Facial cleansing gel is a cosmetic product used to purify the skin from dirt, oil, make-up and dead cells. Facial cleansing gels are generally water-based and have different ingredients and properties depending on the skin type. The benefits of facial cleansing gels are:

  • It cleans the skin deeply and opens the pores.
  • It protects the moisture balance of the skin and prevents it from drying out.
  • It kills bacteria and microbes on the skin and reduces acne formation.
  • Balances the pH level of the skin and strengthens the skin barrier.
  • Softens, revitalizes and brightens the skin.

How to use facial cleansing gel?

Use the facial cleansing gel correctly. Wash your face twice a day, morning and evening. Wet your face with warm water and take some facial cleansing gel in your palm. Massage your face in circular motions with your fingertips. Avoid the eye area and don't press too hard. After waiting for a few minutes, rinse with plenty of water and dry with a soft towel. Then you can use other skin care products such as moisturizer or toner.

How to Find a Facial Cleansing Gel Suitable for Skin Type?

Facial cleansing gel is a product you use to cleanse your skin of daily dirt, oil and make-up. However, the same facial cleansing gel is not suitable for every skin type. A facial cleansing gel that is not suitable for your skin type may cause problems such as dryness, irritation, redness or acne on your skin. So how do you find a facial cleansing gel suitable for your skin type? Here are some tips to help you with this:

- Determine your skin type. Your skin type can be dry, oily, normal, combination or sensitive. To understand this, you can wipe your skin with a tissue paper and see how much oil is left on the paper. If there is no oil on the paper, your skin is dry, if there is a lot of oil, your skin is oily, if there is oil only in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) your skin is combination, if there is a small amount of oil on the paper, your skin is normal and if your skin is easily red or allergic, your skin is sensitive.

- Choose the facial cleansing gel suitable for your skin type. Facial cleansing gels that have moisturizing properties and do not contain alcohol or soap should be preferred for dry skin. For oily skin, facial cleansing gels that remove excess oil and contain anti-acne agents such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide should be used. Facial cleansing gels with both moisturizing and oil balancing properties are ideal for combination skin. For normal skin, facial cleansing gels that do not cause any problems are sufficient. For sensitive skin, hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested facial cleansing gels that do not contain perfume, colorants or allergens should be chosen.

Finding and using a facial cleansing gel suitable for your skin type is important for your skin to look healthy and beautiful. For more information on this subject, you can consult your dermatologist or do research on the Internet.

What should we pay attention to when choosing a facial cleansing gel?

When choosing a facial cleansing gel, you should choose the one that suits your skin type. You should also pay attention to the following points:

  • The gel should not contain harmful substances such as alcohol, paraben, sulfate, artificial color and fragrance.
  • The pH level of the gel should be close to the pH level of your skin. Generally, a value between 5.5 and 6.5 is ideal.
  • Test on a small area first to make sure the gel does not irritate or cause allergies to your skin.
  • Check information such as the brand and date of manufacture of the gel and make sure you get it from a reliable source.

Frequently asked questions about facial cleansing gel

  • Should the facial cleansing gel be used every day?

Yes, the facial cleansing gel should be used twice a day, morning and evening. Thus, your skin stays clean and healthy all day long.

  • Should facial cleansing gel be applied only to the face?

No, the facial cleansing gel should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. These areas also need skin care.

  • Is the facial cleansing gel sufficient to remove make-up?

Putting on makeup is part of the daily routine of many women. However, it is also very important to clean the make-up correctly so that it does not damage the skin. So, is the facial cleansing gel enough to remove make-up? The answer to this question may actually vary depending on your skin type and the makeup products you use.

Facial cleansing gels are products used to clean the dirt, oil and sebum accumulated on the skin. Some facial cleansing gels also have the ability to purify make-up residues. However, these products are generally valid for light and water-based makeup products. If you use permanent, water-resistant or heavily pigmented make-up products, a facial cleansing gel alone may not be enough.

In this case, you should prefer products that are specially produced for removing make-up.

Is Red Peeling Used with Facial Cleansing Gel?

Facial cleansing gel is a product used to purify the skin from dirt, oil and make-up. Red peeling, on the other hand, is a process used to renew and brighten the skin by peeling off the dead cells on the skin. Can it be used with a facial cleansing gel?

The answer to this question depends on your skin type and the density of the red serum. If your skin is sensitive or dry, using red peeling with a facial cleansing gel can irritate and dry your skin. In this case, it is recommended to choose a more gentle product instead of a facial cleansing gel or to do red peeling less frequently.

If your skin is oily or combination, using a facial cleansing gel and red peeling can make your skin look cleaner and healthier. However, you need to be careful not to do this too often. Because it can upset your skin's natural oil balance and cause your skin to produce more oil. In this case, it will be sufficient to do the red peeling with the facial cleansing gel once or twice a week.

Another point you should pay attention to when using red peeling with face cleansing gel is sun protection. Red peeling makes your skin more sensitive to sun rays. Therefore, after red peeling, you must use anti-pigmentation suncreen or stay away from the sun. Otherwise, you may experience problems such as spotting, redness or burning on your skin.

As a result, using a facial cleansing gel and red peeling can be a part of your skincare routine. However, it is important to consider your skin type, the intensity of the red peeling and sun protection while doing this. When you apply this process in accordance with the needs of your skin, you may notice that your skin looks more lively and smooth.

What is used with Facial Cleansing Gel?

Facial cleansing gel is a product that should be chosen according to the skin type. Some products that can be used with the facial cleansing gel include:

- Facial cleansing brush: The facial cleansing brush helps to better absorb the facial cleansing gel into the skin and more effectively remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells. It is sufficient to use the facial cleansing brush 2-3 times a week. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse and dry the brush after each use.

- Facial Cleansing Tonic: The tonic can be used after facial cleansing gel to refresh the skin, tighten the pores and balance the pH of the skin. When choosing tonics, it is important to choose those that do not contain alcohol and are suitable for your skin type. The tonic should be gently applied to the face with the help of cotton.

- Moisturizer: The moisturizer should be used after the facial cleansing gel to moisturize, protect and soften the skin. When choosing a moisturizer, it is necessary to choose the ones suitable for the skin type. Moisturizer should be applied by massaging the face.

- Sunscreen: Sunscreen should be used in the morning after the facial cleansing gel to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. When choosing an anti-blemish sunscreen, it is necessary to choose those that have at least SPF 30 and provide broad-spectrum protection. Anti-spot sunscreen should be applied evenly to the face and renewed during the day.

Does facial cleansing gel damage the skin in excessive use?

Yes, the facial cleansing gel can damage the skin if used excessively. Facial cleansing gels are generally designed to remove oil and impurities from the skin. However, frequent and excessive use can disrupt the skin's natural moisture balance, dry the skin and cause irritation. In addition, some facial cleansing gels may over-cleanse the skin, weakening the skin barrier and causing problems such as skin sensitivity, redness and acne. Therefore, when using facial cleansing gel, it is important to follow the product's directions for use and limit its use on a daily basis. If your skin is sensitive or if you have any allergies, it is recommended to consult your doctor beforehand.

Does the facial cleansing gel have any side effects?

As a result of using the facial cleansing gel, some people may experience side effects. These side effects are:

Skin dryness: Facial cleansing gels can dry the skin by removing the skin's natural oil. This can cause the skin to produce more oil.

  • Skin irritation: Some people may be sensitive to facial cleansing gels and experience skin irritation, redness, itching or acne.
  • Eye irritation: When using facial cleansing gel, getting the product in your eyes may cause eye irritation.
  • Allergic reactions: Some people may have allergic reactions to facial cleansing gels, in which case redness, itching and rash may occur on the skin.

The incidence of these side effects may vary from person to person and may depend on product ingredients, usage patterns, skin type, and other factors. If you notice any side effects while using the facial cleansing gel, stop using the product and consult a doctor.

Editor's advice: if you want to use a facial cleansing gel, as Glowingup London, we recommend using the glowingup moisturizing facial cleansing gel, which is compatible with all skin types, along with the glowingup glowing and revitalizing facial toner. We wish you healthy and clean skin days :)