Each mother wants the best for her baby. Especially in the first infancy period, it is very important to attend to all the needs of the baby. Babies are esspecially sensitive in this period. Babies are actually stronger than us adults in many ways. However, babies’ skin is more sensitive and delicate than all of us. The most important period for skin care is the new born phase and the first years.
From the first month they are born, their skin needs special attention and care. You may have heard of the phrase “Baby skin”. This is because babies skin are soft and flawless. But we should take care of babies skin
Babies’ skin is soft. However, this softness does not mean that it can be neglected. As the baby gets older the roughness of your skin increases and may face many skin care problems. If the skin is not taken care of in babies, small red blisters are seen on the skin. If these progress further, nappy rash
leads to the problem. In order to save our baby from this situation, we should resort to skin care methods.
What should we use on babies skin as they get used to this world.
They used to live in a liquid-filled environment in the womb, where they spend nine months. in the womb this liquid environment in which babies live in for 9 months
keeps their skin moist. As soon as they are born, babies are hit with dry air. It takes two to three weeks for your baby to adapt to the outside world and dry environment. During this period, flaking and peeling on the skin can be seen along with dry skin. During this process, it is very important to keep the skin of the baby moist and clean. Since the skin is very thin, it is more difficult for us to retain moisture. This makes them more prone to toxins and infections. Especially premature babies. The moisture needed for the dry skin of the baby, which is the most important thing in babies and to prevent moisture loss as much as possible.
What you need to do to avoid the situation is simple. For your baby’s skin. Moisturizering products you use should note that it is special for baby use. One of the best things for babies skin are oils and lotions with high level of moisturizing. You should also use water based products abd also Vaseline is also very good for baby skin. Also cream containing vaseline and lotions are also very helpful for baby care.
Choosing the right fabric of your clothes is also as important as using lotions and moisturizing. Clothes should be chosen from fabrics that will not cause allergies, as they will come into direct contact with the skin. So for your baby you should prefer all your babies clothes to be made of cotton fabric. your baby’s laundry
should be washed in baby program separately from everyone in the house, detergent and fabric softener. You have to be very careful about its use. To maintain moisture balance pay attention to your babies clothes and skin care
Now it’s time to pay attention to the room temperature and the humidity in the environment. The optimum temperature is 22-24 degrees Celsius. Also, babies
should not be dressed in layers. The sweating that comes with the heat causes the moisture loss in the skin of babies.
Postpartum Skin Redness
The circulatory system of newborn babies does not work as fast as ours. This may cause spontaneous skin rashes. Difficult deliveries, can cause rashes due to slowness. Bruises may also occur on the baby’s skin with the blows taken during the child birth. If the rash does not go away on its own or increases, take your baby to a specialist right away.
Bath Routine in Baby Care
The first rule of skin care for everyone regardless of age is cleaning. Cleanliness is very important for growth and development. Specialist recommends establishing a routine. Bathroom routine may change according to summer and winter seasons. summer when the weather is nice You can have your baby take a warm shower every day during the months. However, in winter the weather coldness, dryness of the skin of babies It will be sufficient to take a shower once or twice a week.
Experts say that washing babies before bed at night has more positive effects. In addition to skin regeneration, babies relaxes in the water and feel confident as it resemble the environment in the mother’s womb.This helps them get a good night’s sleep.
When we consider the sleep pattern that cannot be settled in the first periods, this method
can be your savior. Bath the baby before bed and begore dressing the baby give small massage to babies body this will help your baby feel relaxed and fall asleep quicker for longer periods of time.
Care for Umbilicol cord
After birth, the umbilical cord is cut. Umbilical cord, connects the mother and her baby with each other. The umbilical cord does not fall immediately after the ligament is cut. In this process, it is necessary to pay close attention to the umbilical cord. You have to wait for the umbilical cord to fall off to take your first bath. If the umbilical cord gets wet and remains moist, the falling process is delayed. You should ensure that your baby’s body does not come into contact with water, until the umbilical cord falls off. Clean the skin with the help of wet cloth.
General Tips for Baby Care
Washing is very beneficial for the skin. However, during the washing process. The shampoo you use and the way it is used are very important. Soap and shampoo
should not come into direct contact with your baby’s skin, with the help of a sponge.You should apply it to your skin by foaming it. Moreover you should prefer shampoos and soaps suitable for your newborn baby, stay away from products containing paraben.
Drying thoroughly with delicate touches after bathing also plays an important role in skin health.
You should avoid oily pomades, care creams and lotions. Because oil-based products make your baby’s skin open to infections.
and clog the babies pores.
Rash and Rash Formation in Babies
Rash and rash formation is one of the most troublesome skin problems faced by babies and is common in newborn babies.
Rash formation is directly related to baby’s bottom cleaning. You should take great care when cleaning your baby’s bottom,you should use wipes that are suitable for sensitive and baby skin.